Our Town - James Taylor (Cars OST) Long ago, but not so very long ago The world was different, oh yes it was You settled down and you built a town and made it live And you watched it grow It was your town Time goes by, time brings changes, you change, too Nothing comes that you can't handle, so on you go Never see it coming, the world caves in on you On your town Nothing you can do. Main street isn't main street anymore Lights don't shine as brightly as they shone before Tell the truth, lights don't shine at all In our town Sun comes up each morning Just like it's always done Get up, go to work, start the day, Open up for business that's never gonna come As the world rolls by a million miles away Main street isn't main street anymore No one seems to need us like they did before It's hard to find a reason left to stay But it's our town Love it anyway Come what may, it's our town. *** Saya foto 22/7/2009 setelah ...
Lebih baik tidak berharap menjadi orang lain.Padahal dengan menjadi diri sendiri, qt gak kalah dengan orang yang qt mupengi untuk "dicopy"
BalasHapuspembalikan kata yang bagus juga. hehehe..
BalasHapusmemang sih, tanpa kita sadari, kadang kita merasa iri terhadap orang lain, ingin menjadi orang lain. Padahal tanpa kita sadari, mungkin saja orang yang kita iri terhadapnya justru iri terhadap pribadi kita sendiri (pengalaman pribadi)
btwm thx telah berkunjung.